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20th century music styles

300 руб.
Тип работы:


Introduction 3
1. Electronic music 4
2. Impressionism (1870–1920) 5
3. Expressionism (1900–1930) 5
4. Neo-Classicism (1920–1950) 6
5. Primitivism 6
6. Serialism 6
7. Nationalism, Microtonalism, Experimental Music, Chance Music, Contemporary 7
Conclusion 9
Literature 11


Twentieth century music, the pieces that were written during 1901-2000, is the most experimenting music throughout the past era. Lots of new style music was developed in this twentieth century period, such as Surrealism, neo-classicism, minimalism…etc. This music was having a huge influence toward not only to music, but also to the whole world. They change the concept of the classical music and rebuild it with new elements and forms. Although nowadays, twentieth century music is mostly accepted by the people. In the past days, this music is not accepted and stops the concert when the performances start. People were not able to get used to the new music in this sudden change, while the past periods have never been done like that. Twentieth century music was often shown up in our life, but we could hardly tell that it is twentieth century music; they have become part of our life. In this essay, you will learn more about the importance of twentieth century music.
During the 20th century, social changes combined with new technologies created a mass market for popular music and contributed to how music was created, shared, and appreciated. The advancement of technology had a huge impact on the evolution of music. Twentieth century music is very different than the music of previous centuries because musicians had more freedom to be creative. Musicians were very open to change and incorporated many aspects of the African culture. African music had a big influence on 20th century music, quickly became part of American culture, and helped lead to the creation of some of the genres now recognized as jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll.


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20th century music styles
300 руб.
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