Библиотека образцов студенческих работ

Деловые коммуникации на иностранном языке

550 руб.
Тип работы:
10 слайдов
Презентация с голосовым сопровождением

What is Business Communication

Effective business communication involves exchanging information both within an organization and with individuals outside of it. This type of communication fosters interaction between employees and management to achieve common goals while streamlining organizational procedures and minimizing mistakes.

Business communication comes in a few different forms and isn't limited to speech. Companies work with a wide range of people and other businesses, prompting them to communicate in a variety of mediums. To be effective, care is given to the tone and clarity of the message regardless of the communication method.


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Тема работы:
Деловые коммуникации на иностранном языке
550 руб.
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