Библиотека образцов студенческих работ

recognize opportunity

150 руб.
Тип работы:

Business Planing Make a plan, model, or other item, to explain how you recognized an opportunity. If you are already in a later stage in the entrepreneurial process: How you prepared it for action and how you go to exploit it. Provide a clear explanation about what your assumptions are grounded on

Recognize opportunity

Planning is an essential part of any business. Its importance is expressed in the famous aphorism: "Plan or be planned." The meaning of the statement lies in the fact that a company that does not know how or does not consider it necessary to plan its activities, itself turns out to be an object of planning, means to achieve other people's goals. A serious planning approach creates the foundation for a sustainable and efficient business.

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Тема работы:
recognize opportunity
150 руб.
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