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Most famous stars in the uk

300 руб.
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Most famous stars in the UK
There are a lot’s of very recognizable actors, actresses, singers in the United Kingdom. But there are the most famous stars among them.
The first star in my list is actor Daniel Radcliffe. Daniel began performing in small school productions as a young boy. His first role was young David Copperfield. Afterwards Daniel was cast as Harry Potter. The film about this boy made Daniel famous worldwide. He continued to play the role of Harry for nearly ten years.
Daniel made friends working on the Harry Potter films, which include his co-stars Rupert Grint and Emma Watson.
In February 2007, Daniel took on his first stage role in the West End play Equus.
His first post-Harry Potter project was the horror film The Woman in Black.
Radcliffe portrays a man sent to deal with the legal matters of a mysterious woman who has just died, and soon after he begins to experience strange events and hauntings from the ghost of a woman dressed in black...........................

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Тема работы:
Most famous stars in the uk
300 руб.
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