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The development of effective logistics decision in Russian transport companies

100 руб.
Тип работы:
Номер в архиве: 1198
A literature review
The development of effective logistics decision in Russian transport companies
Transport means development level is an important index of economic and defense power for any country.
Russia is a classic example of those high potential markets characterised – in logistics terms – by poor infrastructure and facilities; hybrid supply chains combining traditional and modern practice and, facing all manner of operational challenges, often opaque business practices and macro level economic volatility.
Modernisation and development of the transport companiesin Russia is one of the main priorities of the current Russian government. Modernisation must occur in order to enhance the country’s investment attractiveness as well as improving the social and economic landscape of the country.  

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Тема работы:
The development of effective logistics decision in Russian transport companies
100 руб.
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